Friday, May 22, 2020

Juvenile Crime Essay example - 975 Words

Juvenile Crime Introduction nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Every year, millions of juveniles are involved in criminal activities. According to statistics, as of 1999, the arrest rate for juvenile crime has dropped from its peak in the mid-1990’s. Statistics about juvenile crime have shown a steady increase of juvenile arrests from 1987 to 1994. Although overall crime rates have decreased since 1994, they are still above what they were in 1980. The following paragraphs and charts show the crime rates of specific crimes committed by juveniles. Statistics on Juvenile Crime Rates In the year of 1999, law enforcement agencies made an estimated 2.5 million convictions of persons under the age of 18. There were 28,000 arrests for robbery,†¦show more content†¦Statistics on Juvenile Court Case Flow Of every 1,000 petitioned adjudicated delinquency cases handled in 1997, 177 resulted in formal probation and 94 resulted in residential placement following adjudication. In many formally handled delinquency cases that did not result in juvenile court adjudication, the youth agreed to informal services or sanctions, including out-of-home placement, informal probation, and other dispositions such as restitution. In a small number of cases (13 of 1,000), the juvenile was adjudicated but the court closed the case with a stayed or suspended sentence, warned and released the youth, or perhaps required the youth to write an essay. In such cases, the juvenile is not under any continuing court supervision. Although juvenile courts handled more than 4 in 10 delinquency cases without the filing of a formal petition, more than half of these cases received some form of court sanction, including probation or other dispositions such as restitution, community service, or referral to another agency. ( Note: All of the above graphs and charts were based on info from the OJJDP website. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Our group’s opinion on juvenile crimes is that we think that someone who commits a serious crime like robbery, murder, assault and rape, knows what they are doing is wrong. If a thirteen year old or even a ten yearShow MoreRelatedJuvenile Crime And Juvenile Crimes1437 Words   |  6 Pagestoday is juvenile crime. Today the juvenile involvement in crime occurs for many different reasons in many different places. Ages still in the single digits all the way through 17 are committing illegal juvenile acts each and every day. Some of these crimes are done on purpose and with an intent and some of the crimes are done on total accident. Juveniles all over America in all different places are committing crime today and as you read this there are juveniles somewhere out committing crimes. â€Å"TheRead MoreJuvenile Crimes And Juvenile Crime1620 Words   |  7 PagesJuvenile Crimes Juvenile crime occurs when a person violates the criminal law under the age of majority (in most states it’s 18). The juvenile system is way different than the adult system. When a juvenile commits a crime there are legal consequences for their actions depending on what he/she did. Sometimes the system can put them in rehabilitation or a detention center. If the offense is minor, the juvenile could be released to the custody of a parent or legal guardian. In the United StatesRead MoreJuvenile Crimes Of Juveniles1055 Words   |  5 Pagesof anyone who has been a victim of a major crime? I live near the nation’s capitol and our local news channel carries stories about people meeting this fate every day. The worst part is that the criminal is often under the age of eighteen. In 2016, in Washington, D.C. alone, there were 3,278 juveniles arrested for criminal activity (â€Å"Biannual Reports†). I find myself wondering if that criminal will be tried as an adult or merely spend time in juvenile detention. I wonder if the child understandsRead MoreJuvenile Crimes1247 Words   |  5 PagesJuvenile crime is a growing problem that endangers virtually every American. Juvenile delinquency is enormously damaging to the health and well-being of the nations families and communities. A juvenile crime can consist of DUI, robbery, rape, minor in possession, weapon in possession anything an adult can be charged with. Individuals under the age of eighteen who commit these crimes can be charged as a juvenile delinquent. Statistics show that most juveniles that commit crimes are in a gang; weatherRead MoreJuvenile Crime And Juvenile Delinquency1322 Words   |  6 PagesVersion). Juvenile crime, in law, term denoting various offense committed by children or youth under the age of 18. U.S. official crime reported that in the mid-1900’s â€Å"about one-fifth of all persons arrested for crimes were under the age of 18† (Funk Wagnalls, 2014). Such acts are sometimes referred to as juvenile delinquency (Funk Wagnalls, 2014. Offering constructive programs reduces juvenile delinquency and reduces recidivism. â€Å"From the beginning, the principal consideration of the juvenile courtsRead MoreJuvenile Crime And Juvenile Delinquency1458 Words   |  6 PagesDay in and day out residents and visitors to the Boston area are affected by juvenile crime and delinquency. Though the crime rates in MA and across the nation are on a steady decline, these juvenile crimes are still considered a serious matter that needs attention. 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Some believe that the only difference is age. Others say it is the severity of the crime. It’s obvious that when adults commit crimes, whether they are a misdemeanor offense or a felony, they pay for it. The confliction comes when a juvenile commits a crime. What exactly determines if they are tried as an adult or a juvenile? Does i t vary by state-to-state? Are there federal laws that govern that debateRead MoreJuvenile Violent Crime And Juvenile Crime Rates1720 Words   |  7 Pagesadults, depending on the crime they committed. Punishments even included death if the juvenile was deemed to be past the point of help. Later on courts were geared more towards rehabilitation than punishment. Reform movements came along and parents could send their children off to reformatories to live and work as part of their rehabilitation. Due to poor living and working conditions many of these places were closed down. Soon after the Progressive Era, the first juvenile court system was openedRead MoreJuvenile Justice : Juvenile Crime1035 Words   |  5 PagesStephani Portillo Honors English 10b Branson,6 May 19,2017 Juvenile Justice As juvenile crime increases over the years due to gang activity, bullying, etc. many offenders are given a life sentence without parole. There isn t a clear boundary that marks at what age should they be treated as adults because the severity of their action always effects that. Should a 6-year-old be convicted with life in prison or should they let them go? Is a 16-year-old enough to be charged with murder like an adult

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